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What's New

Some interesting site visitors lately, check them out.  The Stevens family, ex Pendle Ave now living in Australia - and some other ex Chatburners, would love to hear from old friends.

There are more photos on the Album Pages, a new section on footballers past and not so past is included, and there are a number of new photos on the 'Mill Workers' page.  Use the drop-down menu to navigate.

Some new photos have been added to the photo album, use the side menu for navigation.  

Don't forget to have your say on the Message Board. All subjects catered for, give it an airing!!!

A page with some useful telephone numbers has been added, let us know of any other numbers which could be included.

A new Classified section has been added, so that you can post your own adverts, check it out.

Chatburn village has been wapped,  take a look at the wap emulator on the IT page, and at from your mobile.

For guidelines on using this message board

news headlines
The news feed is regularly updated during the day

Check out the local weather:

If you fancy a change from the computer screen, there's a TV guide on the What's on page of this site.